In the third rank of pipers at the prestigious Oban Pipers' Parade in Scotland. With white socks!
About the Tunes
Cobblers Awl and Donald Time: Two originals. The Cobblers Awl were a band that combined Irish folk song with ragtime and other musical styles; they helped me get through University and this is their hornpipe. Donald Lindsay is one of my great friends in piping, and I wrote this jig in honor of his occasional lapses in time management. All the parts start out with the best of intentions in 6/8, but they all wind up in 9/8, just one beat late.
Amazing Grace: A classic!
Skye Boat Song: Stately but not too slow--perfect for bringing a bride up the aisle!
Mairi's Wedding: For piping the new couple down the aisle--a lively march!
Murphy O'Shea: I wrote this march named for the lead character of the movie Trooper, written, directed by, and starring Christopher Martini about a Desert Storm veteran home from the war.
Breton Tune: We needed something with a Breton sound; and this is what I came up with, a sort of An Dro
Competing at the United States Piping Foundation Professional Championship.
Stewart Robertson, the man who put me right!