Ensemble is here to stay, and most bands are focusing on it at practice. If you're not, you're not in the hunt for a prize! The question is, what are you listening for? I am an experienced judge of pipe band ensemble, a professional competitor, and a long-time teacher, and I am offering bands the opportunity to improve their ensemble through full-day on-site workshops, or over the internet through complete analysis of band recordings.
On-Site, All-Day Band Workshops: $350/day
Includes extended chanter/pad sessions
Pipe maintenance for superior sound
Minimum of two hours on pipes and drums, perfecting concepts learned on chanter and pads
Online Band Ensemble Workshop: $50.
Includes minimum of 45 minutes of feedback
Advice on all aspects of ensemble—unison, effective transitions, modalities, tonal integration, and more
Record in the morning and have feedback that afternoon!
Solo lessons: $60/hour or $30/half-hour
Telephone/Skype lessons are available
A good piper can enhance many events; a poor player can only hurt! I have been performing professionally for more than thirty years, and have developed a wide repertoire and presentations suited to any situation, from the most formal occasion to a child's birthday party.
featuring both traditional/classical and modern tunes
Weddings, Funerals, Parties:
professional appearance and playing to enhance your function